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Abundant Living is an outreach of Harding University, designed to encourage, inspire and equip older Christians to grow in faith and service to God throughout their retirement years. Christians age 55 and older are some of the Church's greatest resources, and they offer time, energy, unique life experiences and financial support for the various works that God has prepared in advance for them to do (Eph. 2:10).


Through its magazine (published 5 times per year), annual retreats in Branson and Gatlinburg, group travel opportunities, and other special events, Abundant Living is helping Christian seniors thrive!

Our Mission

"We believe older Christians are as essential to the body of Christ as any other age group. We don't want you to finish life with any ungiven love, unshared compassion, unused energy or unrealized value to the kingdom of God. Please step up to the challenge to make an eternal difference every day of your life by daily renewal of your love for God and continual spreading of His love to others. May God bless you to that end."


Teresa Castleman, Director of Abundant Living

Partner with Us Today!

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